Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Getting Back in the Game

After a long stint blogging successfully to a large, loyal following on MySpace, I started this blog about two years ago with the intention of documenting the humorous trials and tribulations of my life as a single mom – living in the suburbs, dating in the city, and working in between. But with just a few posts under my belt, I lost my blogging mojo. Somehow “stuff” got in the way of my passion for writing, and so, in time, my real-life short stories gave way to occasionally-brilliant 140-character Facebook status updates.

Then just last week, I attended a public relations conference in Baltimore, where two words permeated consistently throughout the dialogue of the event: “Social media.” I heard from bloggers and tweeters and reporters and business owners and marketers all with the same message: This – the online community we share – is ours to own, in the information we share and the stories we tell. No longer are we readers of the media; we are the drivers, the influencers, the participants, and ultimately, the creators.

With the buzz of the conference fresh on my mind, and a rejuvenated desire to cultivate my own content beyond the limits of Facebook or Twitter, I found myself inspired to pick up my creative pen once again. So here I am, back to my blog, where I can share a piece of myself with the world, how and when I choose. Maybe the world will read it, maybe they won’t. Either way, it’s my time to get back in the game and feed my starved writing soul. It has gone hungry for far too long.